

i dont remember this dream very well but: i remember that i saw lots on things being cut in half including monitors and lots of cuboid shaped items.. and people.. and seeing and hearing a phrase along the lines of "destroy everything you see with a hack saw!!!" . i dont really know what it means but it has stayed with me all day and i drew it


i was in school but for some reason there was like a massive cult thing going on,, and i was a part of it!!! andd didn't want to any more. so i tried escaping through the library to get out of the building with a friend but ultimately failed as there were so many spies everywhere!!


i was walking through the sewer to school and i had to climb ladders and stuff... and then when i got to school, aphex twin was there and he taught us how to aphex twin(?) scene change: i am in a room with 2 of my friends we are on some sort of teams kahoot IDE website where we have to do all these different activities andn answer questions and for some reason my ankle is sprained so it really hurts when i move it. and we are doing the aphex twin work and also find aphex's twin and we are codeing and then i say.. maybe we should invite another friend that would be cool... and then we invite her but she was busy so we say okay we will see her at another time


in my dream it was like something something then for some reason i leave my house to get the satanic bible (?) and then read and study it then i come back home and there is a cat sat on my desk and ding ding someone is at my door and they say "thank you for looking after my cat would you like my dog and i say NO!", then i go back to reading


this was a half asleep dream and dream me was trying to get real me to inject myself with something idk what it was


i cannot remember this dream well but i was like on the phone but it was a really massive one and i was in a room that had like red lighting and whatever was over the phone was telling me to train myself in beeps and blood


i had a dream that i was with my best friend and we went to a charity shop and we found a bootleg ween cassette that looked like weezer but was actually ween.. then we went into a car and went down this suuper narrow country road and sang along to little birdy it was so fun


i had a dream that i was with my best friend and we went to a charity shop and we found a bootleg ween cassette that looked like weezer but was actually ween.. then we went into a car and went down this suuper narrow country road and sang along to little birdy it was so fun


i had a dream that i was doing a documentary about obscure crunkcore groups then it turned into me throwing up so much and saying i cant go to school then my brother and sister stealing my dads car, dragging me along and driving to what my brain believed to be a train station in bolton which was merged with a market place and some party hall thing they dragged me along and i am panicking really bad because i am supposed to go to school and for some reason the car despawned so then i look for the entrance to the shopping centre party hall train station and end up finding my school friends


i had a dream that i was with my best friend and we were moving a crt across the road near my house


i had a dream nightmare and i got strangled it was not nice at all


i was filling out records with these two people from the church i used to go to and i was complaining about how two things that were pretty much the same thing were in different columns.. then a phone vibrated and then i woke up lol


i had a dream that i finished my compsci work,, unfortunately it was not real


i do not remember much about this dream other than the fact my best friend was in it.. in the form of kyoko with a wizard hat C:


i had a dream that i was a dj... nothing much to it ooother than i hope that dream comes true lolol


i had a dream that it was 2015 again!!! and i was on my computer using audacity and for some reason i was watching a video about what raw files could be imported and for some reason they were .blend and .decspeech? and .decspeech for some reason could only be written in traditional chinese, or i am now thinking maybe it was just some locale issue that caused the file to be displayed like that.... i think a .decspeech file is just a glorified .txt file either way, for some reason i was expecting to hear speech when i imported it... but i could not hear anything! and the whole file was just pure silence which i guess i ruled out as 'not working'?? idk and will never know until i have another dream like this again :[


this time it was of a battle royale, i was with team mates which i guess i was emotionally attached to because by the time they all died, i begged to be killed but i couldn't die! all the music was in .mid format, and there was some girl with a crossbow who i assume was the best player... she was definitely part of something as other players who weren't in her team were rooting for her when she was shooting at me with the crossbow i kept catching the arrows and started trying to stab myself with them but nothing happened! also expected to feel pain but i didn't even feel that either!


zero zone was gone and i found out computor enemy destroyed it and i got really mad and exploded everything

the end!