shooting people

the funny girls shooting game

now where do i start when it comes to touhou...? i do not know.. my earliest memory of interacting with anything touhou was those marisa stole the precious thing and the U.N owen was her MADs! [thank you osu! hardest map ever of all time video by wubwoofwolf] i do not know what my 9 year old brain was on at that time but wow was i obsessed with those videos! especially the error remixes... those were awesome lolol i used to think that was possible to do on a computer which i guess it is but it would take a lot of time getting timings right and i would make it myself but i do not have the time to... now off the topic of computers and back to touhou!

if you didnt know, touhou is a series of shoot em up games created by ZUN in which the girls fly in the air and go pewpewppwepwpepwepewppewpe KABOOM and really nice music and i like them.

with the games? i am TRASH i am SO BAD at bullet hell games.. however i am improving.. one day i will 100% one of the games without continuing.. howweever i am good at ehm rhythm games and turn based strategy games...

my favourite game ost as a whole is... idk and i cannot choose! but some of my favourite songs are reisen's theme (which i can play half of on my keyboard aaahahaha), mokou's theme, alice's theme and yukari's theme!!

do i have a fumo? not aaat the moment... but i do plan to obtain one!!!!!! of reisen

once i do obtain a reisen fumo, this page will probably just end up being a shrine to her..

games that i like a lot

once i do finally do a run without continuing, i will put my highest scores here B]